Welcome to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology. CSE has an illustrious tradition of success dating from 1998. Our success has been due to the collective vision, labor and caring of dedicated departmental administration, faculty, staff, and students. We provide 4 years B. Sc. Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering course 2 years M.Sc. and 3 years PhD Program to the local and foreign students. About 120 students get undergraduate bachelor's degrees from this department each year. We have a dynamic, experienced, and accomplished faculty, not to mention a dedicated support staff for your administrative and computing needs. All faculty members teach; most also do research and publish scholarly papers. Faculty members involve undergraduate and graduate students in research projects. Take the time to visit the homepages of individual faculty members. On behalf of the faculty and staff, I want to encourage you to participate in this department. Although your first concern is your own academic success, you have a role to play in moving the department ahead. You are expected to be a good citizen and exhibit the highest standards of academic and professional integrity. Many opportunities will arise for you to represent this department and the university: do so with distinction. You will find that other students can benefit from your knowledge, skills, and leadership. Look for ways to serve others in the department. It is my wish that you will come to treasure your time in the CSE Department as a time of personal growth and contribution.
Professor Dr. Md. Ali Hossain
Head of CSE, RUET